Elgadi Family

This is a personal site that represents part of Elgadi family who spread in many countries in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Darfur activism meets video gaming

Play the game: www.darfurisdying.com
The ongoing violence in Sudan's Darfur region has spawned many forms of activism. The goal is to increase public awareness of the conflict, in which hundreds of thousands have died and more than two million people have been displaced.
Now, that activism is going online, in the form of a video game entitled Darfur is Dying.
The idea of a Darfur-related video game came from mtvU, the music video giant's network for university students.
The network has an ongoing campaign to raise awareness of the situation in Darfur. But last October, executives decided that they wanted to add a new component, something that would hopefully increase the level of student activism.
'Under your skin'
Read more: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/5153694.stm

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

الملوخية Jew's Mallow


Scientific Name: Corchorus olitorius

Edible Uses:

Leaves - raw or cooked[1, 27, 46, 61]. Young leaves are added to salads whilst older leaves are cooked as a pot-herb[2, 183, 269]. High in protein[183]. The dried leaves can be used as a thickener in soups[183].

Medicinal Uses Disclaimer
Demulcent; Diuretic; Febrifuge; Tonic.
The leaves are demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge and tonic. They are used in the treatment of chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and dysuria. A cold infusion is said to restore the appetite and strength. The seeds are purgative. Injections of olitoriside, an extract from the plant, markedly improve cardiac insufficiencies and have no cumulative attributes; hence, it can serve as a substitute for strophanthin.

Cooking method: http://www.touregypt.net/magazine/magf4.htm


وهى نبات أخضر من الورقيات يتم تقطيعها إلى أجزاء صغيرة جداً ، يتميز بها الشعب المصرى ، وهى مشابهة بشكل كبير إلى الشوربة وتقدم قبل تناول الطبق الرئيسى .

المقادير :
- 2/1 كيلو ملوخية مخرط .
- 2 كوب شوربة مضاف إليه ملح وفلف .
- عشرة فصوص ثوم + الكزبرة جافة .
- 2 ملعقة سمن .

الطريقة :
- يدق الثوم مع الكزبرة ثم يحمر فى السمن .
- ترفع الشوربة على النار وبعد الغليان تضاف الملوخية ثم الثوم والكزبرة .
- تقلب جيداً ، ثم تقدم ساخنة .

The Rijjla plant (Purslane)

Amazing medical facts on this famous Sudanese delicious plant: Rijjla!

Read more here: http://2bnthewild.com/plants/H186.htm

Purslane is a good edible and is eaten throughout much of Europe and Asia. It can be eaten fresh or cooked and has no bitter taste at all. Since it has a mucilaginous quality it is great for soups and stews.
Medical Uses: Purslane contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant we know of. The most common dietary source of Omega-3s are cold water fish like Salmon. Omega-3s aid the body in the production of compounds that effect blood pressure, clotting, the immune system, prevent inflammation, lower cholesterol (LDL), prevent certain cancers and control coronary spasms.

In addition recent studies suggest that Omega- 3s may have positive effects on the brain and may aid in such conditions as depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and migraines. Though very beneficial, there are few good dietary sources other than seafood for Omaga-3s. (Some oils, nuts, grains and other leafy vegetables do contain Omega-3s)

Check this link for Purslane yugort salade: purslane cooking recipe

This link http://www.sweetearthorganicfarm.com/recipes.php has at least 6 different recipes you could easily follow in your kitchen. However, there is still one important recipe is missing: Purslane with Lentil (Sudanese dish). the recipe will be post here later.