Elgadi Family

This is a personal site that represents part of Elgadi family who spread in many countries in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

On Terri Schiavo

Between 5,000 (Khartoum regime's count) and 400,000 persons (Africa Action's) already had perished in Darfur since the crisis become known to the world 2 years ago (notice the huge discripency, which in itself shows how the poor black Africans are so unimportant to find an org to count their death toll)... this was part of a discussion on Darfur that I had last night, in one of the prestigious 'White' colleges of suburban Philadelphia.

It struck me the hypocrisy of the mainstream US media and how it's really represents a morally corrupt system. The right-wing represented by this media (Fox et al) ruptured our ears (Guddo Adhanna) with cheap talk on the poor vegetative Terri Schiavo (talk of all media outlets here in the US, and may be elsewhere, too) yet, not a single word on these thousands who are dying every single moment in Darfur.....

But, why I'm brining this issue here in our homepage?
This sad incident of Ms. Schiavo teaches us a great lessaon, as Magda keeps telling me... the need to have our personal wills written with clear instructions to de-plug (or may be some of us want the plugging to continue) the tubes in case of 'vegetative' condition arises.

In my case, here are my 3 No's (al-La'at al-Thalath) of my will:
  • No plugging tubes in case of vegetating
  • No waiting period for donating my organs in case I'm clinically dead (I'm an organ donor).
  • No burying in a cemetry that does not permit secular or other faith people to be buried within its boundaries (Magda, Nageeb, and Ibrahim know what I mean)

There are many other things I would like us to start discussing here in regard to some important issues of the family future. Retirement plans; Family Trust; General Wills; Disability Trusts; etc.

I need to go now (office closes in few minutes, it's Sat)... let's start this discussion.

Hands off Ms. Schiavo! let her die the way she chose....

Mohamed Elgadi

Arkamani: Agreat e-magazine


This is a great e-magazine and the first of its kind in the whole Middle East... the founder and editor is Dr. Osama Abdelrahman Alnour, I believe a friend of either Nadir or Nageeb...

I chose this amazing piece of reserch he conducted and authored on the legendary Koshite king Arkamani, who had been the first in the human history to lead a war and defeat the religious establishment of Al-Kahhana (ancestors of the current NIF and Ikhwan Muslimeen)...
Enjoy this excellent piece of reserach and continue by visiting his site above...
Mohamed Elgadi

أحد ملوك كوش النادرين الذين ذكرهم بالاسم المؤرخون الإغريق. ذكر الكاتب أجاثارخيد السندوسي، الذى كتب فى القرن الثاني قبل الميلاد، بأن أركامانى- كو، والذى أسماه "ارجمنيس"، عاصر ملك مصر بطليموس الثاني (285- 246 ق.م.). يشرح أجاثارخيد بأنه وقبل أن يصبح أركامانى- كو ملكاً، كان لكهنة آمون دوماً السلطة فى اقصاء الملوك. كل ما عليهم أن يفعلوه هو بعث رسالة الى الملك يأمرونه فيها بالانتحار. وكانت تلك الرسائل تكتب بحسبانها صادرة مباشرة عن الإله. تسلم ارجمنيس رسالة من تلك الرسائل، لكنه بدلاً عن الانتحار، زحف بجنوده الى المعبد وقام بقتل الكهنة!

القصة غالباً ما تكون حقيقية، ذلك أن أركامانى- كو كان أول ملك يشيد هرمه فى مروى (البجراوية) لا فى نبتة (أي نوري). العديد من التغيرات وقعت خلال فترة حكمه وبعده. على سبيل المثال، بدأ الكوشيون فى تطوير أساليبهم الفنية والمعمارية الخاصة والتى كانت تختلف عن الأساليب المصرية. واخترعوا الكتابة المروية، والتى حلت محل المصرية فى تلك الفترة. وأصبح الإله المروي الأسد أبادماك بقوة الإله المصري آمون. ويبدو أن اسم الملك يعني " أركامانى ملك"، ويعتقد العلماء أنه كان مؤسساً لأسرة حاكمة جديدة. ويعتقد بأن حكمه كان بمثابة بداية للعصر المروي.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Teaching Tolerance

Hello everyone,
I have this article that I was thinking of for a few days, and I think it might offer a good advise to many people. Mohamed, I tried my best to avoid mistakes in spelling, grammar and language. If you find a mistake please correct it before you post my article on thewebsite. Also, if you think you can add or change something, do it, but remember, my article is mainly about teaching tolerance. Let me know ahead if you add/change contents.

Teaching Tolerance

Life gets harder every day, violence escalates everywhere, hunger, starvation, torture,
killing, and misery haunts many as a result of all this. And the question arises : Why life is a mere suffering to mankind ? Man is the only civilized species on our planet, yet, still not civilized enough to attempt to put an end to life's man-made misery. As a matter of fact, the whole idea is ignored in this busy, fast running technology.

Something must be missing here, that can turn things the other way around, and make life better for everyone. Something that should be done at early age of childhood, and should be part of our educational program at school : Tolerance. A word that has a great meaning and a great effect as well.

Why when it comes for education the government puts all the efforts toward the budget only?
We don't hear much about changing or modifying the system, adding new curriculums such as a subject that teaches tolerance at school ? Is this hard to plan for ? No, it isn't !
It isn't at all if we bear in minds the end results that we badly need to maintain our goals to keep going in the right direction.

Teaching tolerance could be the most effective way to handle crisis and violent situations arise in our busy daily life, mainly, because of cultures, ethnicity, religious and ideology differences. What does it make different if you are black or white, or whatever color of hair, eyes, or skin complexion you have? It is what ideas you have in that brain of you that might need to be corrected after all. We could have saved many lives by ending violence using the non-violent attitudes, controlling anger, forgiving mistakes and forgetting uncomfortable situations.
Sometimes forgetting is the hardest thing to try to do, but believe me, give it time, change the situation, create an other atmosphere to divert the attention. Or even move out and away, and leave the whole situation behind. Think that there must be something that you have or the other party has missed, that led to the unreasonable situation. And think that you are acting better by stopping things from escalating toward harmful results to both parties.

Life is precious and useful, every life is precious, no matter what, and we have to maintain it that way. Forgive and try to forget. Seek help if you need, talk it out before you attempt to do some drastic action. No matter who you are, you always need someone to talk to and seek advice.
Let us work together to make life better for everyone.

Mohammed Magdi Elgadi
Los Angeles, California

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Fat Burning Soup



- 6 large green onions
- 1 or 2 cans (28 oz) tomatoes
- 1 large cabbage
- 3 cans of water
- 2 green bell peppers
- 1 bunch of celery
- 2 packages of Lipton soup (onion)
Season with salt, pepper, curry, parsley, if desired, or soup bullions or hot sauce.


Cut vegetables small to medium pieces and cover with water. Boil fast for ten minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender. This soup can be eaten
any time you are hungry. The more you eat the more you lose weight. Fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day. If eaten alone for indefinite period you will suffer from malnutrition.

Day 1 :
All fruits except bananas. Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than most fruits.
Eat only the soup and fruits. For drinks, cranberry juice, water, or unsweetened tea.

Day 2 :
All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with all the fresh raw or canned vegetables. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from beans, peas and corn. Eat along with the soup.
At dinner time this day, reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Do not eat any

Day 3 :
Eat all the soup, fruits and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten for 3 days as above and not cheated, you will find that you have lost 5 - 7 pounds.

Day 4 :
Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat as many as 3 bananas and drink as many glasses of water
as you can in this day, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates,
and so with the milk, but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium, carbohydrates, proteins and calcium to lessen your craving for sweets.

Day 5 :
Beef and tomatoes. You may have 10 - 20 ounces of beef, and a can of tomatoes or as many as 6 fresh tomatoes on this day. Try to drink at least 6 - 8 glasses of water to wash
away the uric acid in your body. Eat the soup at least once this day.

Day 6:
Beef and veggies. Eat to your heat's content of the beef and the vegetables on this day. You
can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with green leafy vegetables, but no baked potato.
Make sure to eat the soup at least once this day.

Day 7 :
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Again, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to
have the soup at least once this day.

By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on the above diet, you would have lost
10 - 17 pounds of your weight
. if you lost more than 15 pounds stay off the diet for 2 days
before resuming the diet again from day one.

This 7-day eating plan can be used as often as you like. As a matter of fact, if it is correctly
followed, it will clear your system of impurities, giving you a feeling of well-being as never

After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 or possibly 17
pounds, and having an abundance of energy. Continue this plan as long as you wish and feel
the difference.

This diet is fast in fat burning, and the secret is you will burn more calories than you take in.
It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not
lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time, because the removal of fat
build-up may not occur with alcohol. Go off the diet for at least 24 hours before you intake of
any alcohol.

Because everyone's digestive system is different, this diet will affect everyone differently.
After day 3 you will have more energy than when you began if you did not cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find your bowel movements have changed. Although you
can have black coffee with this diet, you may find that you don't need the caffeine after the
3rd day.

Definite NO NO's:
Bread, alcohols, carbonated drinks ( including diet drinks ). Stick with water, black coffee,
unsweetened tea, unsweetened fruit juices, cranberry juice and skimmed milk.

The Basic Fat Burning Soup can be eaten any time you feel hungry. Eat as much as you wish. Remember, the more you eat, the more you lose. No fried food or bread. You can
eat broiled or baked chicken instead of meat ( absolutely no skin on the chicken ).

Any prescribed medication will not hurt you on this diet. Continue this plan as long as you wish and feel the difference both mentally and physically. If you prefer, you can substitute
broiled fish for beef on only one of the beef days. You need the high protein from the beef
the other days.

I modified the soup (which is currently in use in many hospitals in the US before herat surgery) to make it have a better taste, by adding/changing in the ingredients
without compromising the results. The key factor is to maintain the increase in the body metabolic rate for fast fat burning. The main ingredients in the soup that enhance your
metabolism are, the cabbage, green onion, celery and bell pepper.

- 2 bundles of fresh green onions ( 6 - 10 onions )
- 1 medium to large cabbage
- 2 green bell peppers
- 1 bundle of celery
- 10 cups of water
- 5 bullions of Maggie soup cubes ( chicken or beef flavor ). These are already with salt.
- Any kind of spice or flavor you can add that will not add much of calories.

When the soup is done, you can run it in an electric mixer turning it into a thick tasty soup
flavored with whatever you like, to meet your taste.

Enjoy !
Dr. Magdi Elgadi