Elgadi Family

This is a personal site that represents part of Elgadi family who spread in many countries in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Connecting the Hawash & Elgadi Families

In a message I sent out today via our Topica Listserve, I proposed to start another website (blogger) to focus on the Hawash family. I hope to start this project with Mostapha Khawaga next week when I see him in Portland, Oregon during my business trip to the rainy city.
The idea is to run the page simultaneously from Oregon and Pennsylvania. I believe this would strengthen our ties with our family members in Oregon
Please send me ideas regarding the name of the page in case the Hawash name was not available. Also some ideas for the topic to be included (I'm thinking as a start to copy some items from here to the new one)...

Mohamed Elgadi

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Wonderful Message from Vanessa

Dear uncle Mohamed,
I want to share these health tips with other kids on the website, I found it interesting and useful. Thank you
Vanessa Elgadi

Health Tips
1) Did you know you that need at least 8 hours of night sleep for you to feel refreshed and alert during the day ?

2) Did you know that eating a heavy meal before you sleep can give you bad dreams and even nightmares ?

3) Did you know that green vegetables are very important source of vitamins and minerals that help your body perform most of the physical activities you do in your daily life ?

4) Did you know that saturated fats which are found in meats and dairy products are
harmful to your body by increasing the bad cholesterol that can block most of your arteries and can give a heart attack or stroke ?

5) Did you know that walking exercise 1 to 2 miles twice a week can help regulate high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar ?

6) Did you know that loud music as well as loud noise heard repeatedly and regularly,
especially by ear phones, can cause a serious irreversible damage to your hearing nerves and can cause weakness of hearing ?

7) Did you know that listening to soft music while you are working or doing chores around the house, can boost your mood and your immune system ( body defense system ) ?

8) Did you know that studying in the night before you sleep can keep the information in your memory fresh and organized to use in the next day test with successful results ?

Vanessa Elgadi
12 years
L.A., California

Torture by Lethal Injection

Click here: The Journal : Current Issue

Hello everyone,
Mohamed suggested that I post my comment on "the death penalty by lethal injection in the U.S." on our website, which I think is a good idea. Actually I thought of that as a human rights issue but I don't know why I was hesitant to do it. Thanks Mohamed for your encouragement. So please go ahead and post my comment that I re-wrote in more detail.

Death Penalty By Lethal Injection In The U.S.

Yesterday, as I was reading the latest online issue of " The Lancet Medical Journal ",
I bumped into an interesting but pretty disturbing article titled " Medical Collusion in the
Death Penalty : An American Atrocity ". (Collusion means association with unlawful activity,
as defined by Franklin dictionary). A disturbing thing to know is that the death penalty by
lethal injection in the U.S. is carried out by technicians, without supervision of a medical
professional to determine the sufficiency of the doses of the drugs used for the killing.

Death by lethal injection is performed as a means of execution free from cruelty compared
to other methods like hanging, shooting ..etc. However, death by lethal injection in the U.S.
may not be free from cruelty as it is claimed. As it is known, death by lethal injection is
performed by using three drugs given to stop the three major body systems successively :
the brain, followed by the respiration and finally the heart. The effectiveness of the dose of
each drug used is calculated based on parameters, factors as well as the individual's
condition physically and psychologically. Only a medical professional can correctly assess these factors to calculate the effective doses of drugs used in this method of

The first drug given is sodium thiopental to induce anaesthesia or sleep, followed by the
skeletal muscle relaxant Pavulon (pancuronium bromide) to paralyze all the muscles,
causing the breathing to stop, and finally potassium chloride injection to stop the heart.

As the Lancet article explained, post-mortem studies done on executed inmates in the
U.S. showed that the concentrations of sodium thiopental in the blood of 43 out of 49
executed inmates (or 88%) were lower than those needed to induce surgical anaesthesia.
This leads us to know that those executed inmates were awake during the process of
execution, but totally paralyzed, and in agony of not being able to breathe, awaiting the
final injection to stop the heart ending in death. This could be the most cruel way of
execution, being tortured while awaiting your death.

I recall that during my practice of anaesthesia for surgery, the most important thing that
we should avoid is " awareness under anaesthesia" that happens in practice to many
anaesthesiologists, where the patient could be awake during the surgery but paralyzed
with repeated doses of skeletal muscle relaxants, while he/she can hear everything, and
even feel the pain but unable to do anything. Fortunately, the mechanical ventilation is
a big relief from the agony of being unable to breathe.

If we claim that the execution by lethal injection is done in a humane way, the subject for
execution should be dealt-with the same humane way we deal with surgical patients,
hence, execution by lethal injection should be performed properly and with the help of
a medical professional who will decide when to interfere to support breathing manually
or mechanically till the final injection is given to stop the heart.

We should call for a Human Rights action on this important issue that requires the Human Rights Organization and its affiliates to fight for making the death penalty by lethal
injection more humane than the way it is being done here in the U.S.

Mohammed Magdi Elgadi, MD, Anaesthesiology
( To view the Lancet article click the highlighted link on top of page )