Welcome to Elgadi Page!
Dear Family,
In celebration of the International Women's Day we created our first Blog for the Elgadi Family... We decided last summer during our family semi-reunion in Maine (USA) on upgrading our Algadifamily Discussion group and get out on the internet highway and become a 'Number' on the Cyberspace (as Alsafalah Alkizan love to describe their impact on the life in Sudan: We become a Number in the international politics!). Any way, let's not start our first posting by talking about these scumbags!..
What is the story of the Blog?.. It's the new website design that made web building as easy as 123! No more need for those internet gurus to come and charge you a lot and then you call them (and befriend them) every time you need to add/delete/edit your page...
Now there is a blog created every 5.8 seconds, with a total of 7.1 million blogs! (including the seven blogs I helped creating)!!
Luckily the name elgadi was still available for use in the URL (www.elgadi.blogspot.com) and was not taken.. However, the Name of algadi, our first choice, was was not available.
So, welcome all of you on the real cyperspace highway... and let's publish and post here as much as we want...
For the time being, I made this page not available for comments except for invited members. Whatever is posted here could be seen by the whole world but no one could post any comment on the page without invitation. We need to be very careful before we post any comment (if you decided to remove your comment for any reason call me on my cell to delete it).
I would like to suggest inviting all sisters and brothers (and their spouces/children) to become members of this Blog
Mohamed Elgadi
Blog Maintainer
At 1:34 AM, March 10, 2005,
ina said…
Dear Family,
I did not see so far any comments on our new site... please let me know if you have any problems... sorry for the typo in the first welcoming messge (Wecome to Elgadi Blog!)...
check these other blogs, that I helped starting, for intersting articles:
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